Friday, August 24, 2012

Subconscious Messages

Have you ever noticed how sometimes your subconscious mind can send little messages to your conscious mind?  Sure you have.  Let me give you an example.

Early this morning I was asleep.  My subconscious mind was in the middle of its normal core dump function and I was dreaming.  In the dream, the woman of my dreams (quite litteraly), my beautiful wife Jen, had just come home and surprised the kids and me by saying she had just purchased a swanky new car.  I don't know what type of car it was.  Also, she came home to us, but it most certainly was not our house.

Jen said that the dealer was going to call us shortly to tell us to come and pick up our sweet new ride, so we did what all families do when they are about to leave the house.  We lined up for the bathroom.  One way that this dream house differed from our reality house was that the dream house had three bathrooms.  For some reason, my dream self felt the need to do his business in all three bathrooms.  Peculiar, one would say.

After the bathroom business was taken care of, Jen received an email from the dealer warning us that the parking lot was flooded and we would have to take a canoe from the office to the car.  Following a brief WTF conversation, I went and used all three bathrooms again.  At this point, I believe my conscious mind was starting to have a bit of a WTF moment of its own.

Finally the dealer called and said we could come and get the new wheels.  When Jen hung up the phone, I went back to the bathroom.

All right, CUT!  At that point my conscious mind finally got the hint.  I woke up and went to the bathroom.

Message received!

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