Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ginger Supremacy

My wife has become a big fan of the show Glee.  Tonight she was watching an episode that included something that hit very close to home for me.  Two characters were described as Ginger Supremacists.  Simply put, they were stereotypical racist characters except they were prejudiced against all people who did not have red (or reddish) hair.

Now as a red head I must say something about this topic.  I am not a ginger supremacist.  I believe that all hair colors are equal.  The color of your hair does not dictate your actions, no matter what hundreds of years of blond jokes might imply.  We are all equals.  We are all the same.

Although, having said that, I do consider myself a Militant Red Head.  The revolution is coming, my Ginger brothers and sisters, and when it does we will be spray dying our oppressors' hair and painting freckles upon the faces of all those who stand against us!

Viva la Revolution!

(Of course all of you readers are safe.  I like all of you.  When the revolution comes, I'll take care of y'all.)

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