Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's Pretty Much Here

I checked the outside temperature when I got into the car this morning.  It was 9 degrees.  Winter started about two weeks ago and I would say, judging by the frozen landscape, that winter has fully arrived.


On the bright side, we're only about 2.75 months away from Spring.  Each frozen day brings us closer to warmth.

I went to the gym yesterday.  Yippee.  My legs hurt today.  I could barely manage any actual exercise at the gym because I am so far gone that just getting onto the machines wears me out.  I have a bag full of work out clothes and sneakers in the car so I can stop at the gym on the way home.  We signed up for the super-mega plan so we can actually go to other branches instead of just the one where we signed up.  There are two that are sort of on my way home.  I might stop at one of them and check it out.  If it's not to my liking I'll go to the one near home, otherwise I'll stay and do my 22 seconds worth of working out.

My lovely wife's back was hurting really bad this morning.  I hope she feels better now.  It tends to loosen up for her as the day goes on, so hopefully it's feeling better by the minute.  I love you sweetie.  Hang in there.

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