Monday, December 19, 2011

Weekend Recap

That was a seriously busy weekend.

The main focus of the weekend revolved around Christmas.  We went shopping on both days.  Parking was difficult but not impossible.  Surprisingly.  Maybe most people finished early this year seeing as we were blitzed with Christmas advertising before Thanksgiving.  We put up some more decorations, and we all got our special tree ornaments for the year.  Mine is a little saxophone.  Really cool. 

We went to see the Muppet movie again and even though the Chunky's in Plaistow is staffed by idiots we had a good time.  We also went to the kids' piano recital.  They were both excellent.  Everyone was very impressed, as always.  Those kids can play that piano!

On the way home I noticed that the neighbor on the end of our street had put some lawn decorations out.  There were three things that looked like reindeer on the front lawn.  It was strange though because they weren't lit up.  They were just standing there.  As the van came around the corner and the headlights hit the decorations we realized that they weren't decorations.  They were real deer!  Three of them!  Those does saw us coming and bolted down the street at full speed.  One of them was so startled that when she tried to turn and run she corkscrewed herself right into the ground.  We actually got to follow them down the street as they high-tailed it into the woods.  (I now know where the expression high-tailed comes from)  It was pretty cool.  Still no antlers though.

This week the focus will change to preparations for our Christmas Eve family party, and our Christmas day festivities.  It will also turn to stress as the days wind down.  I still have two online gift purchases that have not been delivered yet.  They still have plenty of time to arrive, but I am getting nervous... and in another day or two the nerves will turn to sheer panic.  Then there is always the question... did I miss anyone?  I keep forgetting that I have to get something for the yankee swap at work... and as always, did I get enough for Jen?  Not only that, but will the stuff I got be good enough?  Will her Christmas be a happy one?

HoHoHo and all that.

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