Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thanksgiving Preview

Yesterday my darling wife improvised. She was out shopping and the kids and I were about to start getting ready for karate class when she called and turned everything upside down (in a good way).

She bought a turkey and all the fixin's. And invited her folks along to join us. The kids and I started cleaning like crazy while Jen started cooking.

We can't be sure if all of us will be able to get together for thanksgiving so Jen thought it would be nice to have a preview. It was a great idea. We all enjoyed it.

Tonight the kids will go to their Dad's for another town's worth of postponed trick or treating. We are going to celebrate Halloween take three by pretending it's St Patrick's Day and having boiled dinner.

In other news the Bruins kicked the crap out of Toronto last night. It was nice to see them do something other than suck.

Nasoalmo is still pretty useless, but I think I'm up to four lame things. Nothing near finished yet.

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