Monday, March 7, 2011


I have no actual news. I reported it all yesterday. This is a weird feeling.

I did slice off a little chunk of the ring finger on my left hand last night while doing a poor job opening a can of cat food that the cat didn't eat. She is really fussy with food lately. Yesterday I gave her everything a house cat could ever want: Fresh canned food. A bowl full of dry food. Fresh water. Fresh litter. A few extra treats left with the rest of her food.

Nothing. She more or less ignored all of it. I saw her nibble on the dry food once, but that was it.

I had thought about getting up at 5:00 today and finishing some guitar recording, but with a band aid on a finger on my left hand I figured it would be a waste. Stupid cat food can.

We are hopeful that we'll be able to go to the hospital for a visit tonight. Jen seemed pretty close to 100% last night, but she was sniffling this morning. It's tough to tell if that's related or not because both of us sniffle almost every morning. Is it allergies? Is it the bed? Is it the detergent we use to wash the sheets? Who knows. If she's feeling all right this afternoon then we'll try and pay my mother a visit. If she's not, we'll try another day. As my father told me yesterday, if you're not feeling well just stay away. Not just for Mom's sake, but for the sake of every patient on the ward. I feel bad that I haven't seem my mother in a week, but it makes it a lot easier when the rest of the family is so understanding. Thanks.

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