Saturday, January 29, 2011

Topics for Debate

Just trying to generate some discussion tonight.

Ghosts: Believe in them or not?

We watched a couple of ghost story shows on the biography channel tonight. Personally I don't believe in very much in the supernatural sense. I am way too skeptical for that. However, I am smart enough to know that I am pretty dumb about almost every topic ever, so I can't discount anything... even though I sort of want to. Ya know?

Anyway, I have never had a ghost experience myself so I am inclined to not believe, but there are people in my life who have and do... so who knows.


The National Hockey League All Star Game: Always ridiculous, but this year more than ever?

We're watching the skills competition right now. It just gets dumber every year. This year the whole fantasy draft has, in my opinion, turned a terrible waste of energy into a joke of spinal tappian proportions... and that's before they add the super hero stuff in during tomorrow's game. What do you think?


Quantum Leap (the television show): Appropriate for kids between the ages of 8 and 10? I can't remember the show that well, but there has been some "time traveling would be awesome" discussions with the kids and we thought that might be a good show to watch with them. Common sense media says maybe for ages 9 and up and maybe not for age 8. Do you remember that show at all?



  1. I have to abstain on the hockey question because I don't follow hockey, but as usual I'll present my two cents on the other two questions:
    Quantum Leap first: I do remember the show, and I loved it! I can't see it being too "old" for the kids, except for the guy who's a hologram. He has a lot of things to say that may be too old for either kid! Other that that, though, it's a great fantasy and in some of the shows, a great history lesson too.
    Ghosts: All I know is, we have one. I've lived here 24 years and it's never harmed us yet, but it does pranks from time to time where it will take something of ours and hide it somehow. I don't know how. Then after a couple of weeks, all of a sudden the item turns up, usually right where is was originally. Call me crazy, but it's happened time and time again. Ask your wife about her schoolbooks when she was in high school! I can't tell you how many she "lost" and I reimbursed the school for, only to find them in a very conspicuous place later. Good subject for conversation (when the kids aren't around though -- I wouldn't want them to be scared to visit us!)

  2. Jen told me a story about lost glasses, and another about cabinet doors opening and closing on their own. Pretty spooky stuff. I won't share it with the kids. I know a boy who wouldn't sleep for a month! hehe
