Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cutting it Close, Eh Mister Robert?

One of those days, ya know?

As soon as I got to work this morning the phone started ringing and the email started flying and I was just busy for the whole day.

Jen has the same problem. We had planned to visit Mike and Tammy and their daughter tonight, and unlike Sunday when Tammy came to our house we would have the kids tonight.

But as it turned out, their Dad had to pick them up at their summer program because Jen and I were both stuck at work. To top it off, Jen is still working now. I'm hiding in the office so she can have some peace and quite in the living room. The kids went to their room a little early, which was very nice of them. They go to bed at bed time and then read until go-to-sleep time. I am giving them a little extra read time tonight to thank them for going upstairs early.

Of course, they are in their air conditioned bedrooms and I am sweating like a fat guy stuck in the Sahara.

Still... I am home with my family, and I love every second of it.

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