Thursday, August 6, 2009

Apocalypse Right Effing Now!

What are we going to do? The end is here! Run for your social networking lives!

Twitter has been down since just after I got to work, around quarter to nine.

Facebook has been really slow all morning too. I've seen pages fail to load and I've gotten network connection errors that are definitely not on my end.

Twitter's status blog says they are defending themselves against a denial of service attack. Two things of note there. First, I think defending might be overstating the fact given the 2+ hour outage. Second, anyone find it giggleable that Twitter's status blog is on Tumblr?

Mashable has commented on the ongoing social crisis (which just allowed a The Who song to pop into my head. "This is no social crisis, just another tricky day for you." Mashable is fast becoming my online bible. I get so much good stuff from them. Granted, none of it is anything that I can actually make use of for anything other than talking about Twitter and Facebook and other social networking sites. Still, I could live on that site if I had to... as long as I had Blogger and Facebook and Twitter (oh my!).

While I was typing this I went to Mashable's home page to get the link because I am too lazy to write it out myself and therefore must copy and past it here. Their latest article is about twitter's announcing their denial of service attack. If only I'd typed this post out quicker... I could have scooped them! I got that info from Twitter's Tumblog (hehe) something like 10 minutes ago. Damn!

Hang onto your hats social networkers. We can make it through this. We can survive. We can still go to myspace. (heheh just kidding) Leave comments here to discuss how you are dealing with the situation. We'll get through this together.

Good luck!

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