Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Last night we did nothing. Somehow that was a strange sensation.

I got home a little before Jen and turned on the fans because our house is the muggiest place on Earth. She came home from the store and started cooking some corn on the cob and opened up some windows. I went outside and nervously sparked up our grill for the first time in almost a year. After some much needed cleaning I cooked some burgers and dogs, and joked with our neighbor saying I was afraid the whole sucker was going to blow up).

We ate our cook out at the table and then sat there talking about all the interesting details of the sale of Jen's company and the integration between the old companies and the new company. We went to bed early but kept talking about her options for the future.

Then we fell asleep.

We did nothing, and it was still a wonderful night for me. Why? Because I was with Jen, that's why. She's amazing. I love her. I am the luckiest man alive.

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