Thursday, April 9, 2009

Counting off the last 11 minutes

There are 11... no, 10 minutes left before our offer on the house expires. I'm going to while away the time by posting on my blog. (and by IMing Jenny. Hi Jenny!)

Wil Wheaton is the king of Twitter. He posted a link to this site where you can see a great little comic that speaks to my annoyance with iTunes' shuffle function.

I was going to post the image, but it's the first comic this person has ever done. So out of respect you have to go to his site and see it. It's a wired blog called Geek Dad.


And in case you're wondering there are now 6 minutes left until the offer expires. Make that 5.

While we're at it, here's a link to Wil Wheaton's twitter profile. It, along with his website, are a good read. It makes me almost feel bad about wanting to see Wesley Crusher assimilated or blown out an air lock or something.

The offer now expires in 2 minutes. I guess giving them exactly what they asked for wasn't enough. Screw them. There are better houses in town.

1 minute left.

0 minutes left.

Fuck 'em.

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